I am Michal Hron

I research digital innovation.

Digital innovation is different because of digital materiality. This is my portfolio.

See my work

About Me

I am Michal Hron

A PhD researcher focused on digital innovation & transformation.

My first research experience happened during my undergraduate studies when I was in Honolulu and a professor offered to extend my semester abroad and join his research project on digital education. Nine years later, I am now an Assistant Professor at the Department of Entrepreneurship at the University of Economics and Business in Prague. I research digital innovation and focus on its organizational dimension. My research is driven by the argument that novelty of digital innovation derives from specific properties of digital artefacts. I am primarily a qualitative researcher, with appreciation for embedded research. During my PhD at Aarhus BSS in Denmark, I visited the Department of digitalization at Copenhagen Business School on invitation of Philipp Hukal. My master’s degree is in business administration, with focus on Business Intelligence, from Aarhus university. Before that I did my undergraduate degree in business administration is from the Anglo-American University in Prague, Czech Republic.

Here's where I've worked
  • 2024-present

    Postdoc, Department of Business Informatics at Ghent University 🇧🇪

    Employed on projects about digital manufacturing and sharing economy
  • 2023-2024

    Assistant professor, Department of Entrepreneurship at Prague University of Economics and Business 🇨🇿

  • 2021


  • 2015


    We developed digital tools for math education.

Here's where I've studied
  • 2019-2022


    Dissertation title. Organizational dynamics of digital innovation. Assessment committee: Andrea Carugatti (Aarhus BSS), Xiao Xiao (CBS), Nicholas Berente (Notre Dame)
  • 2017


    We visited Columbia university, had speakers from places like MIT and completed consultancy assignments for companies
  • 2016-2018


    Programming, data science, business analytics etc.
  • 2013-2016


    I received merit-based scholarship for all semesters. Was president of the Student Council.

Key themes and approach

Research focus

I research digital innovation in fully digital companies, because that is where it occurs in its pure form.

Digital innovation is different from traditional innovation

Research on digital innovation argues that innovation in digital context is governed by organizing logic that is diferent from traditional innovation. Whereas established theories of innovation often draw on a metaphor of industrial production where products are stable, digital products evolve dynamically. Traditional products can be decomposed into parts whereas digital products are better understood as reusable patterns. Digital innovation is governed by distinct organizing logic which challenges both practice and the theories we use to make sense of how innovation unfolds.

Digital materiality makes digital innovation different

Digital artefacts are at the core of digital innovation and considering them is helpful in theory-building. Digital artefacts are objects like profiles on social networks, databases or software-based products. They represent an unusual type of materiality because they do not occupy space and can be distributed freely. Such properties give rise to novel organizational phenomena. Chief of all, they can be recombined to achieve seemingly endless potential of configurations. The process of recombining digital artefacts is digital innovation, which I research. 

Digital artefacts are at the core of digital innovation and considering them is helpful in theory-building

Fully digital companies are the natural habitat of digital innovation

I study digital innovation in fully digital organizations, which are organizations built around digital artefacts. I accept the position that digital innovation is governed by its own logic, which should be on display it its pure form in fully digital firms. Managerial approaches for software development (e.g. agile development) are a way to manage development of digital innovation. This is how my software on research engineering (scrum) relates to the research on digital innovation. Software engineering provides clues for how to understand and manage digital innovation.

Theories of digital innovation can be developed by problematising existing theories

Despite the novelty of digital innovation, existing corpus of research on management of technology and innovation offers perspectives that provide suitable starting points. It is however necessary to update those theories by carefully scrutinising their assumptions. By doing so, we can show how digital materiality specifically upends older perspectives. In other words, we can reach understanding of digital innovation by problematisation of earlier insights. I think this is stronger than blank slate theorizing because it is cumulative and forces us to be explicit about what is new.

What I write


Organizational dynamics of digital innovation

My dissertation explores the organizational and managerial challenges that arise from systematic involvement of digital technologies in innovation using case studies. It contributes to the literature on digital innovation, which identified systematic involvement of digital technologies as an occasion to revise or problematize existing theoretical perspectives on management of technology and innovation.

Working papers

Hron, Michal., “Mirroring and Interpreting: Co-evolution of Digital Artefacts and and Organisations ” under review at JSIS

Hron, Michal,. “Socio-technical Identity dynamics of Digital Phenomena: Towards a Socio-Technical view.” Editing, aimed at I&O

Hron, Michal, Muller D, Sune., “Flexibility and Efficiency of Digital Resources as Enabler of Digital Transformation”, Survey-based data collected, aimed at JSIS

Hron, Michal and Obwegeser Nikolaus, Liedtke, Andreas, Mukhina Evgeniya: AGILE EFFORT ESTIMATION WITH PLANNING POKER: BEYOND ACCURACY working paper

Published Journal Papers

Innovation Drift

Hron, Michal, Nikolaus Obwegeser, and Sune Dueholm Müller. “Innovation drift: the influence of digital artefacts on organising for innovation.” Innovation (2021): 1-33

Scrum adaptations

Hron, Michal, and Nikolaus Obwegeser. “Why and how is Scrum being adapted in practice: A systematic review.” Journal of Systems and Software (2021): 111110.

Peer-Reviewed conference papers

Hron, Michal. “The Quest for New Theoretical Logics of Digital Innovation: Linking Properties of Digital Artefacts with their Conceptualisations in Organisations.” Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2021 

Hron, Michal, and Nikolaus Obwegeser. “Scrum in practice: an overview of Scrum adaptations .” Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2018.

Learning with others

Teaching and Supervision

I consider teaching amongst the key privileges of an academic job.

Philosophy and approach

Being and becoming yourself

Learning happens throughout life as a space for reflection and self-formation. Where we come from and where we want to go is unique. I start from the premise that during learning we bring our own perspective, history, and ambitions. I try to provide learning opportunities with sufficient space for relating the learning experience to shaping of individual identity.

Good citizenship

Classrooms as communities of inquiry are co-created by all participants. By basing learning on group work, discussion or peer-to-peer activities, each class can be unique. The quality of the experience however also derives from what each participant brings as insight, preparation and collegial behaviour. I hope for participation that makes the experience both pleasant and meaningful.

Growing as individuals by approaching situations with rigour in a context of a supportive community.

Research as tool for thinking

Being able to drive a structured analysis and form well-grounded arguments is a key skill for life. To structure an insightful analysis, leaning on developed theories is helpful as they can become tools that allow to go beyond our intuition. To be robust, an analysis or an argument is strengthened by research methods. In teaching, I draw on academic skills of theory and methods because they strengthen the key skills of analysis and argumentation.

Making your own connections

In business and social sciences, many angles for approach a situation are available. While working with arguments grounded in data is a key skill, forming creative insights on top of the data is sometimes even more valued. Any original insight comes from making connections between different data points and abstract concepts. I aim for each of us to leave the learning experience with a shared core of understanding but a slightly different network of concepts. That way, we can discuss a shared topic but contribute with a unique angle.

Teaching experience

Innovation Management (from 2023)

Involvement and results

  • Led two tutorial classes and was highly rated in interest in students (96%) and preparation of lectures (91%)
  • Delivered lecture on DIgital transformation
  • From Fall 2023, course responsible
  • Developed a new structure of the course to be ran from Spring 2024


  • Compulsory masters level course
  • About 150 students per semester
  • I was involved as tutorial leader, examiner, lecturer and later course coordinator
  • Redesigned syllabus here as pdf
  • At Prague University of Economics and Business

Student feedback:

Spring 2024

M. Hron. He was great, he managed to engage us, and even though it was sometimes hard to keep up, everything turned out well in the end. Thank you for having us in your exercises.

Mr. Hron is a super chill guy.

Although I write this reluctantly, because I enjoyed Mr. Hron and liked him, on the other hand, I understand that for most students it must have been terribly chaotic, and maybe that’s why there wasn’t much interest in this subject from their side. On the other hand, his preparation for exercises and lectures was absolutely incredible, plus how he uses technology is superb. He had everything connected with the devices he needed, his presentations were very well done, and for that, big thumbs up and lots of praise

Fall 2023

What I liked the most was Mr. Hron’s active interest in sharing a lot of information and bringing the some life to the tutorials

Dr. Hron was really great at the seminars.

I liked that Mr. Hron asked students what they thought of the changes and worked with their comments.

I appreciate Mr. Hron’s efforts to improve the class.

Dr. Hron was a great teacher, I found the subject unnecessary, but at least Dr. Hron’s delivery was somewhat interesting

Spring 2023

I liked exercises with Mr. Hron

Our lecturer Michal Hron is a practitioner who enjoys science and connecting practice with theory, I enjoyed his enthusiasm for the subject.

I was very satisfied with the exercises given by Dr. Hron. He provided us with quality materials and information on the topic every time, talked to us about our papers in a very professional manner and always provided us with good and constructive feedback.

M. Hron’s approach – he explained us very nicely how writing professional articles works in practice, how to think about topics, how to choose a focus. He was always willing to help us with everything and I especially appreciated his focus on the process rather than the result.

Dr. Hron tried to tailor the exercises to the students and find interesting insights in the field of innovation

Dr. Hron knows how to present the material well.

Digital Business (2019, 2020)

Involvement and results

  • I designed an innovative format of an oral exam encouraging reflection and connecting material across lectures, which is still in use by the new course responsible
  • When I colleague went on sick leave, I delivered half of the lectures with minimal time to prepare


  • A master level course in the IT business program
  • Class size 80 students (in 2019) and 120 (in 2020).
  • Syllabus available here
  • At Aarhus University

Student feedback:

I really liked the map that Michal presented in the last lecture it helps to mentally organize all the literature

About a co-teacher: Good energy, nice that that she asks Michal questions Maybe say a bit more to the slides  

Project Management: Communication approach (2020)

Involvement and results

  • Run seminars including giving feedback on student projects with student satisfaction 3.6/5
  • Delivered two interactive lectures on Risk Management in online environment
  • Contributed with transitioning teaching to online (covid)


  • Advanced bachelor level course for business communication students
  • 150 students in class, about 50 in two tutorial classes
  • Syllabus available here
  • At Aarhus University

Student feedback

Michal gave excellent feedback. Very useful in terms of adapting to the exam strategy

I liked the zoom meetings with Michal since it helped some insight into the course

Guest lectures

Workshops on C-K theory of design

for New Product development course

From a colleague: Michal’s method of teaching balances theoretical discourses with real-life cases and examples and addresses the contrasts between theory and practice in an engaging and interesting way. The students were satisfied with his lectures and found them inspiring. They demonstrated a good understanding of the topics of his guest lectures, showing that his teaching has led to an efficient learning. Michella Beretta, Assistant Professor

Introduction to agile project management

For Innovation Management course

From a colleague: Michal Hron has been assisting me on two separate courses at the master level: “Digital Innovation and Business Transformation” and “Digital Business.” Michal has been lecturing as well as designing and conducting the exams.Michal has shown great enthusiasm and dedication in his teaching, and I have been very satisfied with his performance. Sune Muller , Associate Professor 

Digital platforms for enterprise architecture 

For enterprise architecture course

From students: Good slides. Really nice with breakout rooms actually where we and discuss our exam

From students: The introduced perspectives were well supported by pretty slides.It was interesting to hear about digital platforms from different perspectives. We can probably use a lot of this stuff in our project.

Thesis supervision

Topics I supervise

  • I enjoy supervising topics on digital innovation, transformation, and entrepreneurship.
  • I prefer master level thesis work
  • I supervised topics on privacy, IT adoption, or business process management
  • I intentionally offer broadly formulated areas within digital business as a starting point for discussion on what your thesis topic could be

Approach and work style

  • As an engaged scholar, I like to work with organizations and depart from real-world problems
  • I like to work in close collaboration with students to develop a topic that helps accomplish personal goals and interests
  • I generally really enjoy working on theses, so please get in touch especially if you have a cool idea or organizational problem to work on! It doesn’t need to be fully formed idea from the outset.

Supervised theses

  • Consumers’ preferences to web cookie banners regarding data privacy in the Czech Republic, 2023
  • Prompt engineering as a new resource and requirement for work practices, in progress, 2023
  • AI prompting as a new skill that is changing established business practices, in progress, 2024

Teaching qualifications

  •   Introduction to planning, presentation techniques and teaching, Mandatory teaching course for PhD students, 2019
  •   Teaching with simulations seminar with Rob Austin from Ivey business school , 2019
  • Case method in teaching seminar with Rob Austin from Harvard Business School, 2020 
Get in touch for discussions or collaborations



Prague University of Economics RB 453

+420 774 510 434